016 - A New Dawn: Keith Green's Foster Daughter Finds Her Voice, Part 2

Links directly from Dawn Michele Ziemer:

Link to song "So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt" by Keith Green

When we say "the book," we mean "No Compromise - The Life Story of Keith Green" by Melody Green.  If you feel you must read it, get a USED copy somewhere!

Link to our episode where we discuss "The Plane Crash that Killed Keith Green":

Link to episode with details of Keith arranging Sharon's marriage:

Two final thoughts:

1) When Dawn said that Keith was already talking about arranging a future marriage for Josiah, we confess we were just a bit dubious, thought maybe she had misunderstood him.  But THEN, shortly thereafter, that former LDM guy tells us that Keith was trying to fix him up with Dawn when she was 16!  So yep, Dawn, we totally believe it!

2) Regarding the phenomenon of religious leaders having entitled attitudes and disrespectful behaviors towards "assigned household servants" -  Tracey vividly remembers what 4-year-old Josiah said to her on the first day she was assigned to drive him to preschool:  "I know why you are driving me.  Because you are one of my dad's servants."  That is a reflection on the parents, not the child.  The corrupting indoctrination starts very early.



017 - Chad Harris from "Shiny Happy People" and Bill Gothard's IBLP Cult


015 - A New Dawn: Keith Green's Foster Daughter Finds Her Voice, Part 1